Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sockets Practice: portsweep.c

portsweep.c loops through a file of IPs and checks whether a particular port is open:

dennis@ipa:~/projects/sockets/portsweep$ ./portsweep
portsweep [-l logfile] ipfile port1[,port2,...]

dennis@ipa:~/projects/sockets/portsweep$ ./portsweep ips 22,23,80,2049 23 80 22 2049

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sockets Practice: location.c

location.c is a plain and simple gpsd client:

dennis@ipa:~/projects/sockets/location$ ./location

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sockets Practice: portscan.c

I've been working my way through Stevens' Unix Network Programming. One of my non-book exercises has been portscan.c:

dennis@ipa:~/projects/sockets/portscan$ ./portscan -l

Port scanning

Port 13 is open.
Port 22 is open.
Port 25 is open.
Port 37 is open.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OpenBSD + gpsd + Garmin Geko 201

Here are my notes on getting the
Garmin Geko 201 GPS handheld working with the OpenBSD gpsd port.

On the Geko 201:

1) Page to and select "Setup" option.
2) Select "Interface" option.
3) Set "I/O Format" to "NMEA"
4) Set "Baud" to "4800"

I'm using a serial to USB converter (unknown type) that looks like:

uftdi0 at uhub4 port 1 "FTDI FT232R USB UART" rev 2.00/6.00 addr 2
ucom0 at uftdi0 portno 1

The associated device file for this ucom(4) is/dev/ttyU0 which I provide to gpsd:

dennis@ipa:~$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyU0

Then I test everything with the cgps (no command line options) client.