ha.ckers posted a Large List of RFIs (1000+) awhile back which caught my eye.
Continuing on with my socket programming practice, I put together rficrawl.c that loops through each remote file include pathname, stuffs it into a GET and launches it at a webserver.
I made a PCAP of the traffic while rficrawl was running and fed it to Snort. Snort was using a default snort.conf configuration file along with the Mar 27th version of Emerging Threats ruleset.
The alert breakdown is over here.
The Mar 26th version of RSnake's RFI list contains 2203 unique RFIs. There were 1541 alerts generated, resulting in about 70% coverage. The majority of them, 1410 alerts (64%) were detected by the generic, catch-all "ET WEB_SERVER PHP Remote File Inclusion (monster list http)" signature.
This leaves 662 currently undetected vulnerabilities!
Continuing on with my socket programming practice, I put together rficrawl.c that loops through each remote file include pathname, stuffs it into a GET and launches it at a webserver.
I made a PCAP of the traffic while rficrawl was running and fed it to Snort. Snort was using a default snort.conf configuration file along with the Mar 27th version of Emerging Threats ruleset.
The alert breakdown is over here.
The Mar 26th version of RSnake's RFI list contains 2203 unique RFIs. There were 1541 alerts generated, resulting in about 70% coverage. The majority of them, 1410 alerts (64%) were detected by the generic, catch-all "ET WEB_SERVER PHP Remote File Inclusion (monster list http)" signature.
This leaves 662 currently undetected vulnerabilities!
The list of RFIs that are currently not detected by Emerging Threats is available here.